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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > An error occurred when saving data. Please see event log for more details. View modes: 
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alex-alexlopezit - 2/18/2013 5:41:08 PM
An error occurred when saving data. Please see event log for more details.
Hi everyone,

I am just starting with Kentico and can't find on the internet a solution for the problem I have so I resolved to post this here hopping I can get some help.

I was using the demo version and the expired, then the site told me to check licences, I got a free one and I had to manually disable database users that come with the demo to access and put the licence, now when I try to create a new document I get the error "An error occurred when saving data. Please see event log for more details."

The on the log I see this:
Event ID: 608
Event type: Error
Event time: 2/19/2013 9:31:24 AM
Source: Content
User name: administrator
IP address: ::1

Description: An error occurred when saving data. Please see event log for more details.
Message: [LicenseHelper.RequestFeature]: The feature 'WorkflowVersioning' is not supported in this edition.
Stack Trace:
at CMS.LicenseProvider.LicenseHelper.RequestFeature(String url, FeatureEnum feature)
at CMS.DocumentEngine.VersionManager.PublishVersion(Int32 versionHistoryId, Boolean checkPublish)
at CMS.DocumentEngine.WorkflowManager.MoveToStepInternal(TreeNode node, WorkflowStepInfo currentStep, WorkflowStepInfo step, String comment, Boolean increasePublishVersionNumber, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum transitionType, Boolean handleActions)
at CMS.DocumentEngine.WorkflowManager.MoveToSpecificStepInternal(TreeNode node, WorkflowStepInfo step, String comment, Boolean increasePublishVersionNumber, WorkflowTransitionTypeEnum transitionType, WorkflowActionEnum action)
at CMS.DocumentEngine.WorkflowManager.MoveToPublishedStepInternal(TreeNode node, String comment, Boolean increasePublishVersionNumber)
at CMS.DocumentEngine.WorkflowManager.MoveToPublishedStep(TreeNode node, String comment, Boolean increasePublishVersionNumber)
at CMS.DocumentEngine.TreeNode.MoveToPublishedStep(String comment)
at CMS.FormControls.CMSDocumentManager.SaveDocumentInternal(String actionContext)

Site name: Corporate Site
Machine name: ALEX-PC
Event URL: /KenticoCMSLocal/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/New/NewPage.aspx?classid=3441&parentnodeid=1&parentculture=en-US
URL referrer: http://localhost:64127/KenticoCMSLocal/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/New/NewPage.aspx?classid=3441&parentnodeid=1&parentculture=en-US
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0

I think this is something to do with "WorkflowVersioning" and I don't know how and where to disable that, perhaps comes by default like that or I did something whilke watching Kentico training videos but can't remember.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 2/19/2013 12:18:33 PM
RE:An error occurred when saving data. Please see event log for more details.
Based on the error, you have a license which does not support versioning. Versioning can be turned on/off in Site Manager>Settings>Versioning & Synchronization>Object Versioning>General

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/20/2013 1:08:03 PM
RE:An error occurred when saving data. Please see event log for more details.

From the event it is obvious you have installed our Corporate sample site which has many modules turned on and used from higher edition than the free one, so as in the post above, you need to to turn those features off to make it work again. Here is the entire feature matrix for a free edition as well as for all other editions of Kentico CMS:

Feature Matrix

Best regards,
Jan Hermann