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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Pay Pal with IPN View modes: 
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daren-webdesignmagic.com - 2/25/2013 8:05:44 PM
Pay Pal with IPN

Does anyone have a procedure guide from start to finish to set up a IPN with Pay Pal and a Sandbox (including the sandbox set up). We are not just getting it!


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Certified Developer 13
Certified Developer 13
kentico_josefd - 2/26/2013 4:28:27 AM
RE:Pay Pal with IPN

You can check out our PayPal and IPN setup guide, PayPal IPN documentation and PayPal sandbox testing information.

The Kentico CMS should be already setup to handle the IPN through the Notify URL, mentioned in the guides. Only thing left is to actually setup your account at PayPal.

Please note: the IPN will only work if the site (Notify URL) is reachable from the Internet.

Josef Dvorak