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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Workflow Error and WCF View modes: 
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mosgath - 3/20/2013 1:59:13 PM
Workflow Error and WCF
I refreshed our development environment with a backup from our staging environment. I then went through and cleaned up all the configuration items that are different between the two environments. I then upgraded from 7.0.3 to 7.0.24. The sites are working fine, except for Workflow. I previously had workflow working in development but not staging. When I go in to edit an advance workflow (both custom and built-in) in SiteManager, I get the following error:

Windows Communication Foundation is not configured on the server. Please check our documentation for information on how to configure your IIS.

I compared the web.config file from the backup and the current site. I noticed that aspNetCompatibilityEnabled was not set. So I added it back.

<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />

I still get the same error in the UI after recycling IIS. I have tried running the following,

"%WINDIR%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\ServiceModelReg.exe" -r

but it errors with
Warning The HTTP namespace reservation already exists.

This make sense is it was previously working and not changes were made to the server between it working and not working.

I have tried repairing and uninstalling/reinstalling the ServiceModelReg, but no luck.

I have also looked at the web config file in ~\CMSModules\Workflows and didn't find any configuration for SSL.

In the Application log, it reports the following:

There was no channel actively listening at 'https://{server}.{domain}/CMSModules/Workflows/Services/WorkflowDesignerService.svc/js'.

where "{server}" is the name of the server and "{domain}" is domain that it is a member of.

There are two issues with this. First, I do not have SSL setup on the Kentico websites in development. I do in our Staging environment. Second, the website I am going against is http://development.{sitename}.com, not http://{servername}.{domain}.

Why is it trying to use SSL and why is it not using the website that I am currently on to access the WorkFlowDesignerService?

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mosgath - 3/20/2013 2:55:43 PM
RE:Workflow Error and WCF
I registered ASPNet 4.0 scriptmaps to my website and now it is working. Not sure what caused that, unless it was from the attempts to install/uninstall ServiceModelReg.

aspnet_iisreg /s W3SVC/7/ROOT

I had a second IIS site on the same server with the same issue. I did the same thing for it and it is working now too.