Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > link and ajax View modes: 
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mauricio-thewebsitemarketinggroup.com - 4/2/2013 11:04:27 PM
link and ajax

I have a repeater(showing news) with filters and paging within a UPDATE-PANEL and is working good (no refreshing all the page just the update panel). but the problem is with the title of the news it has a link to the detail of the news so when I click on the title it refresh all the page(redirecting to a new page).

My questions is if there is any way to make the link in different way to load the content withing in the update pannel.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
richards@kentico.com - 4/3/2013 12:58:28 AM
RE:link and ajax

Unfortunately something like this is not possible. The Kentico is designed in an other way. You may do almost what you like if you create your own webpart, but it would require some programming knowledge.

There are some disadvantages with the approach you described. Most of them are SEO and URL regarded. If the new woudl be generated by AJAX then it would not by possible for users to e.g. ctrl+c and copy the adress to send it to a friend. The page that would be copied would not reflect what the user sees. Also there would be some problems with web crawlers not being able to inspect all news and index their content.

Let us know if you have any other question.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek

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mauricio-thewebsitemarketinggroup.com - 4/4/2013 6:01:47 PM
RE:link and ajax
Thank you for your advice. I agree with you.

I think, I'm going to let the link as it's