Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Some Direction on a "Master" Webpart View modes: 
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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 3/20/2013 7:49:03 AM
Some Direction on a "Master" Webpart
I've created a webpart that allows a user to change accounts (not user accounts, different accounts). This webpart has a dropdown list and in the OnSelectedIndexChanged event the selected account is set gloablly and other webparts should load data based on this global value. The problem is when the other webparts are loaded, they are loaded with data from the previously selected account because the OnSelectedIndexChanged event happens after the PageLoad, Init and ContentLoaded events of the other webparts.

Would it be best to create this account changer as a control and included it on all of the webparts or what would you suggest?

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kentico_davidb2 - 4/3/2013 4:37:39 AM
RE:Some Direction on a "Master" Webpart

we are not familiar with your setup, but generally, when you need to set such things in between webparts, you would use session (SessionHelper or RequestStockHelper classes) and check the value later in the SetUpControl method.
