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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Group Media Library Teaser View modes: 
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cbarton-mig - 4/23/2013 9:16:32 PM
Group Media Library Teaser
Hi, I'm having a problem with the teaser image for the media galleries of the community groups. I am able to set the image ans save when I manage the group's media, but the value is not stored in the database (the GUID never generated and LibraryTeaserPath stays blank) and hence the teaser is never displayed.

Is there a property I'm forgetting to set for this to work?

Thanks for the help.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 4/24/2013 12:24:47 AM
RE:Group Media Library Teaser

Could you please more describe how and where are you saving those images? It would be great if you could attach some screenshots so we can fully understand the issue here.

Let me know for further assistance.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek

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cbarton-mig - 4/24/2013 6:56:33 AM
RE:Group Media Library Teaser
Thanks for the reply Richard.

Ok, here's more info on my problem:

- I create a Group
- I then access the Group from CMS Desk (Tools > Groups > Edit Group)
- I move to the Media Libraries tab and I can see my default Media Library in which I uploaded 4 files
- I then move to the General tab and I can see the Title, description, and also a field to upload a Teaser image.
- I upload a teaser image (a JPG file) and get no errors. I then click on Save.

But then if I go back to the Group Media Library on the front end for this group I still see the default teaser image and not the one I just uploaded.

If I access the transformation "GroupMediaLibraryList" (used in this case on the GroupMediaLibrariesViewer web part) to see the line loading the teaser image I see the following line:
<a href="~/Groups/<%# GetGroupName() %>/Library-<%# Eval("LibraryName") %>.aspx">
<%# IfEmpty(Eval("LibraryTeaserPath"), "<img border=\"0\" src=\"~/App_Themes/CommunitySite/Images/DefaultMediaTeaser.gif\" alt=\"Default\" />", "<img src=\"" + Eval("LibraryTeaserPath") + "?width=180\" alt=\""+ Eval("name") +"\" border=\"0\" />") %></a>

I tested the line above and the result for "Eval("LibraryTeaserPath")" is always empty. I also inspected the table called Media_Library and the path is empty (for my library), and the GUID for the teaser image is NULL.

I will try to take some screenshots a bit later, but thought of writing this already in case this is enough to point me in the right direction.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 4/25/2013 5:41:28 AM
RE:Group Media Library Teaser

I have investigated this issue and sadly this is a bug.. The transformation seeks the image by the LibraryTeaserPath column in the MediaLibrary Table which is old and the images are no longer stored in file system, but in the MetaFile table as Binary objects.

I have submitted bug and it should be fixed soon. Im sorry for the inconvinience. In the meantime I would suggest you to use static image path instead.

Also thank you very much for the information and the steps you provided me with, it really helped getting into the issue

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek