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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Virtual Objects and Content Staging View modes: 
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bryanallott - 4/2/2013 4:09:24 AM
Virtual Objects and Content Staging
How does virtual objects impact Content Staging?

if both source and target server have deployment mode ON, and changes are synchronized, are the updates written to the target's database and/or virtual folder?

And then which version is getting synchronized? Is it a database-to-database or folder-to-folder or database-to-folder...?

I'm assuming it makes a difference since my staging log is recording changes on the source (which has deployment mode ON) and i am synchronising changes to the target, but not all the changes are not showing up (deployment mode ON)...

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bryanallott - 4/3/2013 5:29:47 AM
RE:Virtual Objects and Content Staging
for what it's worth and from what i can tell, the staging is database-database only so if you have deployment mode on, there are some extra considerations.

1. make sure the target server has deployment mode OFF and there are no virtual objects
2. if source server has deployment mode ON, save virtual object changes to the database before staging.
3. if some virtual files are missed, manually edit them and then re-synch

and i guess if the target server has deployment mode ON, you would need to export the changes from database to virtual folder for them to take effect.

at least, that's the way i can make sense of it...

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 4/3/2013 7:51:21 AM
RE:Virtual Objects and Content Staging
Hi Bryan,

I've discussed it with our developers and...
In the deployment mode you shouldn't need to edit those files (why are you using deployment mode on the development server?). The prioroty are the disk files and if you configure your set on the target, then (in deployment mode) it should save files as well into the DB as on the disk.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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bryanallott - 4/3/2013 9:17:56 AM
RE:Virtual Objects and Content Staging
Hi Martin,

I use deployment mode on the development box because editing the transformations in visual studio is just quicker/easier, especially when i've been doing a lot of other customisations and adding in custom coding in Old_App_Code (for an Azure deployment). And then more importantly, for keeping them in version control along with those other custom changes.

When you say:
"if you configure your set on the target, then (in deployment mode) it should save files as well into the DB as on the disk."
... does that mean that when I synchronize via "Content Staging feature", the synchronise should synch my files on disk from the folder on the development box to the database on the target server?

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 4/22/2013 3:36:27 AM
RE:Virtual Objects and Content Staging
Hi Bryan,

the reply from our development team is: Yes, teoretically it should work this way, but it wasn't tested... so you can just give it a try, or recommend any improvements related to the staging.

Best regards,
Martin Danko