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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Add Pinterest feed to kentico website View modes: 
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wukimus-hotmail - 5/9/2013 12:12:52 PM
Add Pinterest feed to kentico website
Is it possible to do this? is there a web part? Is there a website that could provide more assistance?

Thanks in advance

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Brenden Kehren - 5/9/2013 12:48:07 PM
RE:Add Pinterest feed to kentico website
As a programmer, anything is possible! :)

Pintrist has a simple RSS feed already built in which should allow you to use the RSS Feed webpart and simply select the URL and a transformation and display it on your site.

Here is a URL sample: http://pinterest.com/<username>/<board>/rss. <username> and <board> are parameters of course.

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wukimus-hotmail - 5/9/2013 5:01:01 PM
RE:Add Pinterest feed to kentico website
Thanks alot