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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Macro Current URL for Linkedin Share Button and other social Buttons View modes: 
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Rene 7 - 4/29/2013 11:09:38 PM
Macro Current URL for Linkedin Share Button and other social Buttons
Dear Kentico,
I am using the web part LinkedIn Share Button in the header of our site. We want it to share the current URL but we cannot find the right macro to show it.
We tried a few, but it always defaults to the root URL.
Could you help us please,
Kind regards,
Rene Tessmer

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Rene 7 - 4/29/2013 11:38:32 PM
RE:Macro Current URL for Linkedin Share Button and other social Buttons
Dear Kentico,
Issue has been resolved, it probably was related to our development environment.
Kind Regards,