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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask View modes: 
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hitesh - 4/26/2013 1:41:45 AM
Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask
Hi everyone,

I want to create a web part where I can provide a text box to add comments and Just below it read previous comments related to that task. Along with it I want that user could see the Change Logs of Task(eg: Task created,task status change). I also want a very user friendly interface.

1.Create a web part for adding comments and read the comments.

2. Want a tab like structure one for adding and viewing Comments, other for viewing change log.


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hitesh - 4/27/2013 2:44:57 AM
RE:Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask
Hi everyone,
Plz help on this I'm stuck for about a month. I would rephrase and synthesize my problem.
Right now I want to show two tabs in Edit.ascx WebControl under Project Task folder. In one of the two tabs I'll have a CommentAdd.ascx User control in other tab I'll have another user control to show changes in status of task date-wise.

Actually I tried to follow UserEdit.aspx page to see how the tabs are shown. But there the page is webform and property CurrentMasterPage.Tabs.Tab are inherited from CMSPages. So using CurrentMaster.Tabs in webControl is not possible as they are inherited from CMSUserControl.
Plz help me on this issue.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 4/27/2013 10:47:15 PM
RE:Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask
Hi Hitesh,

Could you please be more specific of what are you trying to do? You were referring to a web part in your first post, but then it seems that you are trying to modify the Kentico CMS UI and add a custom page to our UI, is that correct? Could you tell us where exactly do you want this new page/tab to be displayed?

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek

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hitesh - 4/29/2013 12:05:26 AM
RE:Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask
Hi Richard,
Yeah approximately that's what I want. The WebControl I want to extend is Edit.ascx in ProjectTask folder in ProjectManagement module.The features I'm trying to implement are:

1).The user is assigned a specific task that occurs on a regular interval (say on the first week of every month or every 30th of every month he has to create a sheet for employees attendance). For this I have used scheduler control in edit.ascx webcontrol.

2).This feature is for viewing comments to a specific task and also allows user to add comments to it.

3).This feature is for view changes in status(basically progress like On Track -- 29 Apr 13 ) of task by Date.

4). The last is I want the feature 2 & 3 shown in a Tab like control(like in UserEdit.aspx page it shows all EditPassword.aspx, UserEdit_General.aspx all in different tabs)

Currently what I've achieved is: A scheduler control in Edit.ascx(there was problem of postback in click of selection of dropdown (schedule interval) but handled it successfully).
Two tabs but in a page(I want in the edit.ascx webcontrol). Ist tab provide feature for adding comments to a task and viewing them. Other tab is to be implemented yet.

I have created a table for adding comments similar to blog_comment table. I'll use this to insert comments. Please help me Richard. I'm a new user of kentico CMS.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 4/29/2013 2:32:01 AM
RE:Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask

Unfortunately I'm not able to provide you with the code to achieve this since it is quite large customization of Kentico UI. More so it has little to do with Kentico itself, its more like classic C# coding. I'm really sorry, but if you want to someone help you with this customization you are going to have to pay for consulting where our Kentico specialists and developers who will guide you through. You can find more information at http://www.kentico.com/Support/Consulting/Overview. Again Im sorry but this tasks does not cover our kentico support. However if you have any specific question regarding Kentico we will be more then happy to assist you.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek

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hitesh - 4/29/2013 2:51:09 AM
RE:Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask
Hi Richard,

I thought community forum is about discussion and provide a helping hand to new developers. It's ok if it's so.
Can you, if you could, guide me on how to add tab like structures in a user web controls. I used BasicTabControl but the tabs behaves like a link and direct to page. Can't I have that page inside that user control. Please just help me on this customization.


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 5/2/2013 1:18:24 AM
RE:Add Comment functionality for ProjectTask

I really wish I could help you but Im unfortunately Im not familiar with the implementation details of how exactly are specific pages connected to each other. I tried to work it out, but this really would require the help of developers who developed this module.

I'm really sorry I cant be any help of you.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek