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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system View modes: 
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joeri@pureplexity.com - 4/9/2013 7:30:51 AM
Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system

I want to connect the product (incl. stock) with an existing ERP system. Do you have any suggestions for me? What do you think, is the best way to develop something like this?

Any suggestions are welcome!

Kind regards


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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
Petr Dvorak - 4/9/2013 1:58:05 PM
RE:Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system

depends on your needs. I guess you have products in ERP and want to display them online. Right?

Do you only want to display them in Kentico or do you also plan to use Kentico E-commerce to build an e-shop? Do you need real-time information from ERP? In case of the e-shop, do you need to send orders from Kentico back to ERP? And customers? Do you need to load existing customers from ERP?


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joeri@pureplexity.com - 4/10/2013 2:54:39 AM
RE:Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system
I guess you have products in ERP and want to display them online. Right?

Do you only want to display them in Kentico or do you also plan to use Kentico E-commerce to build an e-shop?
We want to sell the products from ERP with Kentico e-commerce

Do you need real-time information from ERP?
It's not necessary. I tought to build a synchronization between the ERP and Kentico E-Commerce.

In case of the e-shop, do you need to send orders from Kentico back to ERP?

And customers? Do you need to load existing customers from ERP?

Do you have any suggestions for me? We want to start with Kentico, and this is our first order. Not very easy in my opinion

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Swainy - 5/2/2013 5:25:01 PM
RE:Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system

I would definitely use the systems integration bus for this. Its absolutely perfect for what you want to do.

If you want any assistance or have any questions drop me a pm and I'd be happy to talk a solution through with you.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/11/2013 11:50:20 AM
RE:Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system

one of the possible ways to build a robust connection could be an Integration connector.
Please see more details in Kentico CMS Integration guide

As for the other options, it could be a custom Webservice or you could use our REST module.


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joeri@pureplexity.com - 4/12/2013 3:02:45 AM
RE:Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system
Thanks for the information.

Is the integration connector possible with the CMS Enterprise licence?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 4/27/2013 7:10:30 AM
RE:Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system

The Integration bus module is available in Ultimate and EMS editions, and also with the Advanced package. Please see this feature matrix.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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magnus-tenk - 5/3/2013 7:57:28 AM
RE:Connecting e-commerce module to an existing ERP system
I just want to pitch in with a word of advice from someone that have done ERP-integration with Kentico. The specifics in my comments refer to version 6, I do not know what have changed in version 7.

Set up a Kentico Ecommerce solution without integration and go though all your use-cases. Kentico is a quality product, but is very (version 6) limited in terms of features compared to my Enterprise ERP (Jeeves).

The solution I opted for was a quite labor intensive one, but flexible. I replicate out the relevant portions of my ERP to a separate ERP-Kentico database on the webserver and access using an Entity Framework repository built upon a regular context. Easy as pie.

I do virtually everything, calculating prices, stock levels, campain price lists, customer specific prices and discounts using the data from my (replicated) ERP... I still use the existing Kentico Skus, but only as a presentation layer, and as "placeholders" for my own Skus, so that I still can benefit from using the Kentico administrative interface.

As an example of small frustrations. I still use the Kentico shopping cart implementation but now I have problems with selling fractional amounts as the item count in the shopping cart is implemented as an integer in the database, so I have not found a way to sell 3.5 meters of something.

I realize that I may come across as negative against Kentico but that is not my intention. Kentico is a solid product on what it delivers. It's just not enough for my specific needs.

Had I known what I know now I would have used Kentico where it shines, as a CMS, and written the entire Ecommerce part on top of my replicated ERP data instead of trying to shoehorn two different implementations into submission.
