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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Chrome Stylesheet issue View modes: 
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Rene 7 - 5/15/2013 5:53:42 PM
Chrome Stylesheet issue
Dear Kentico,
we had a couple of our clients call that our website does not display correctly with Google Chrome. When looking at a screenshot if seems that the entire style sheet does not get loaded. We have trouble reproducing the error since it only seems to happen with certain Chrome versions.
I found this article on the web:


Could you help us with this problem?
Kind Regards

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kentico_edwardh - 5/15/2013 7:27:32 PM
RE:Chrome Stylesheet issue

While I am not sure which version of Kentico CMS you are currently using, please take a look at the following KB article which explains a fix for this issue.


Best Regards,
Edward Hillard