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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Link/Button Web Part Problem View modes: 
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mhill-saclibrary - 5/14/2013 7:20:52 PM
Link/Button Web Part Problem
Hi, I'm using the Link/Button Web Part as a basic navigation on a mobile site build. The problem I'm having with the web part is that, unlike other linkable web parts, this one doesn't have a set target option. It only opens the link in a new tab, which across a 30 page mobile tour site, this gets a little old as you can imagine...

I don't know if I'm just missing the option somewhere or it doesn't exist in this web part.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_romank - 5/15/2013 12:32:17 AM
RE:Link/Button Web Part Problem
Could you please try to explain me what do you want to achieve with Link/Button Web part? You said it only opens the link in a new tab, but what should it do? For example open the link in the same window? Thanks for the additional info.

Best Regards,
Roman Konicek

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mhill - 5/15/2013 7:52:00 AM
RE:Link/Button Web Part Problem
I would like it to be able to open in the same window.

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mhill - 5/15/2013 3:49:03 PM
RE:Link/Button Web Part Problem
Nevermind, I fixed my problem. I wasn't reading the all of web Part options. The option right below link is target, so i put in _self and now it works great.