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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > edit Error notification e-mail subject View modes: 
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eagleag - 5/14/2013 1:56:40 AM
edit Error notification e-mail subject

I would like to edit the Error notification e-mail subject.

how can I do this?

tanks :)

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 5/14/2013 2:52:26 AM
RE:edit Error notification e-mail subject

Could you please be more specific? Which error notification are you talking about? Where and when exactly I can see that error? Please describe in more details how I will be able to see that error find the adequate solution for you.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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eagleag - 5/14/2013 3:26:53 AM
RE:edit Error notification e-mail subject
e-mail notifications about errors logged in the event log.

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 5/14/2013 4:09:45 AM
RE:edit Error notification e-mail subject

I've checked that and to modify the subject of the notification e-mail you will need the code of the EventLogHelper (\EventLog\EventLogHelper.cs - line: 300 -> emailSubject string) but this is available only in the Source Code edition.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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eagleag - 5/14/2013 4:43:10 AM
RE:edit Error notification e-mail subject
Is there anyway to edit it?

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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 5/14/2013 7:37:26 AM
RE:edit Error notification e-mail subject
There are a few options using the API but I haven't tested any of them.

1. You could write a scheduled task that runs more often than your emails are sent from the queue. That scheduled task would look in the email queue for all the emails that haven't been sent (status = 1 I believe) and maybe some subject text checking (subject like '%error%'). Then update the record with the subject text you want.

2. Create a global handler to check before insert the object (cms.email) and if its an event or error log, modify the subject text.

You should be able to find some help on the DevNet for creating global handlers and should also find some info on creating a scheduled task.