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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues View modes: 
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steve - 5/8/2013 1:22:25 PM
Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues
The unsubscribe web part doesn't appear to be working correctly for me.

I've created a page to contain the web part and when users click the unsubscribe link sent in the initial subscription email they are directed to the correct page, but the web part simply says Unsubscription was unsuccessful.

Below is the link generated in the email with the domain hidden:

Additionally, I can see the users are subscribed to the forum and I have no double-opt in setting configured.

By the way I'm using Kentico v7.0.31


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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 5/8/2013 11:10:10 PM
RE:Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues
Have you checked your error logs for a possible message as to why it isn't working? Site Manager>Administration>Event Log

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steve - 5/9/2013 7:45:41 AM
RE:Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues
Yes, the site doesn't appear to throw an error in the log.

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 5/10/2013 3:19:12 AM
RE:Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues
Hello Steve,

have you tried it also in a different browser/ on the another computer?

Was your application upgraded from one of the previous versions?

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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steve - 5/10/2013 7:15:07 AM
RE:Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues
I just tried the link in IE10, Firefox, and Chrome and I still receive the Unsubscription was unsuccessful message.

My Kentico was hotfixed a couple of times from earlier versions, but I can't recall the exact version numbers.

Below is an example of the guid being generated:

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 5/12/2013 10:31:28 AM
RE:Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues
Hello Steve,

Have you changed any of the default settings of Forum subscription and unsubscription web parts? If so, could you post them here?

Additionally, could you make sure that there really are some subscriptions to forums in CMS Desk -> Tools -> Forums -> <your forum group> -> <your forum> -> Subscriptions?

Thank you in advance for this information.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac

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steve - 5/12/2013 8:32:32 PM
RE:Forum - Unsubscribe Web Part Issues
Hi Filip,

I've made no changes to the default settings of the Forum subscription web part, I basically just added it to the web part zone of the page I have set as the Forum unsubscribe URL.

The subscription process works without issue. When users click the subscribe button on the forum, they instantly get added to the list of subscribers. However, if these same users attempt to unsubscribe, they are presented the message in my initial post.

Thanks for the help, let me know if you have any other ideas as I'm stumped.