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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Building a custom news manager. View modes: 
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vcarter - 5/3/2013 10:06:59 AM
Building a custom news manager.
I need to extend the functionality of the standard News page type, specifically I want to add things like more detailed categorization, integrated social media posting, spotlighting, and a streamlined user interface.

I have built custom apps of this nature in the past but I was wondering if there was any documentation on extending kentico in this way as I would like to limit the use of external aspx and data connections due to the way that my clients environment is setup.

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vcarter - 5/3/2013 10:59:41 AM
RE:Building a custom news manager.
OK, so I have just found an article regarding social media integration(very cool),

Automatically Post Your Content To Twitter and Facebook

Now I am wondering if it is possible to send specific content to specific accounts, as in set up multiple authenticated applications within Kentico.

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 5/7/2013 6:50:43 AM
RE:Building a custom news manager.

Could you please provide some example what exactly do you have on your mind? What do you mean by sending the specific content to specific accounts?

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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vcarter - 5/7/2013 8:02:22 AM
RE:Building a custom news manager.
In the past I have built social media managers that allowed for authentication with multiple accounts(specifically multiple twitter and facebook accounts). Where as the kentico integration seems geared towards one of each. Now granted I have not looked into it to deeply but from what I have seen, there is no out of the box way to set up multiple authentications within kentico. Though now that I think about it as I type this, I guess I could create a custom table with the credentials and perhaps tap into the method that kentico uses to post updates multiple times. Sorry thinking out loud.

Anyway, what I am trying to accomplish is the ability to publish one piece of content that is sent to multiple twitter/facebook/linkedin/google accounts. I know how to do this externally but I was curious if anyone had used kentico in this manner before.

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 5/10/2013 3:36:34 AM
RE:Building a custom news manager.

Ok, I would recommend you to try using Kentico's API to handle this. Please download the API Reference and then take a look at the class: CMS.SocialNetworking where you can find some methods to achieve this, e.g. for Twitter:
CMS.SocialNetworking ► TwitterProvider ► PublishTweet(String, String, String, String, String)
(more details about the paramateters in the API ref).

I hope this will help you.

Best regards,
Martin Danko