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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Issue getting javascript to run. View modes: 
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vcarter - 4/15/2013 9:37:43 AM
Issue getting javascript to run.
Essentially the title says it all. I have added this to the top of my masterpage layout.
<script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
<cms:CMSWebPartZone ZoneID="JavaScript" runat="server" />

My intent is to use the built in jQuery library and use a javascript web part to call a default .js file containing some basic functions.

That part, appears to be working(the web part), however I keep getting a:
"Uncaught ReferenceError: $jQuery is not defined"

So I figured I had referenced jquery incorrectly and switched the $jQuery back to just a $, problem is, the js reference is not being updated. And when I check the source it is still referencing $jquery. Is there some weird caching setting in Kentico? And I going about this all wrong.

External file reference seems to be the only thing in regards to Kentico that I have trouble with.

Any help on getting this to run smoothly would be appreciated.

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Brenden Kehren - 4/15/2013 10:55:19 AM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
I learned this the hard way as well. If you are using the built-in jQuery library use jQuery (vs. $jQuery) reference in place of $ in your custom jQuery files.

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vcarter - 4/15/2013 11:17:48 AM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
I switched it back to $jQuery. For some reason I am just not able to get my pages to use the core, at least I think that is what my problem is. From the documentation I figured:

I add the iquery registration code to the page(put mine at the top of my masterpage layout)

I changed the jquery reference from "$" to "$jQuery"

And that is where I get hung up. No matter how I seem to add my own JS file, be it a direct reference in the "head" section of the masterpage, or by using a javacript webpart, I get the:

Uncaught ReferenceError jQuery is not defined error.

Always breaking on my script pages



$jQuery("#header input[type='text']").on("focus",formrule_on);
$jQuery("#header input[type='text']").on("blur",formrule_off);



Document Ready call. It really feels like I am just missing something simple with the code and getting caught up in Kentico even though it may not be the issue.

Thanks again for the response.

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vcarter - 4/15/2013 11:18:56 AM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
LOL, I just reread your response, I missed the part where you dropped the $. Going to try that now.

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vcarter - 4/15/2013 11:43:07 AM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
Looks like my script is loading before jquery-core and that is causing my issue.

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kentico-jx2tech - 4/15/2013 12:01:24 PM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
In the javascript web part, try changing the page location from Header to Beginning of the page or Startup script.

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vcarter - 4/15/2013 12:07:45 PM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
Is the recommended method for adding additional jquery dependent scripts to use the javascript webpart as opposed to insertion direction into the templates head section?

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kentico-jx2tech - 4/15/2013 1:13:33 PM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
I am not sure sure if there is a recommended method. But considering that the RegisterJQuery() method will insert the jquery-core just below the <body>, you will have a conflicts with jquery script in the head.

Currently, I am using javascript web parts in the masterpage to include scripts. If it is jQuery, i check the Include jQuery property. I set the page location to Startup script unless there is a FOUC and then I use the Beginning of the page. Modernizr is the only script I place in the head.

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vcarter - 4/15/2013 1:38:03 PM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.
Cool, I was just wondering if there was a best practice. Thanks for the reply.

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ashish.narnoli12-gmail - 5/15/2013 6:19:37 AM
RE:Issue getting javascript to run.

You could try
var $jQuery = jQuery.noConflict();

$jQuery(document).ready(function() {

Ashish Narnoli