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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx) View modes: 
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@davey_lad - 3/28/2013 10:59:08 AM
Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)

hoping someone can help with this odd problem I've just recently discovered. My logon page appears to have lost all styling and shows a number of errors in the browser console.. generally related to javascript/jquery uncaught exceptions etc.

It still allows me to login, then oddly if I browse back to the logon.aspx page it appears perfectly normal and styled up as you would expect. As soon as I logout it breaks again. Obviously this points to permissions but I've checked my IIS/folder permissions and compared them to another working site I have up and they appear to be the same so I'm left scratching my head. I was wondering if there's any settings in Kentico I should be looking at too?

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I hadn't noticed this before as I've been work mostly with Windows Auth enabled and rarely see the logon screen anyway. I've just noticed since I switched back to forms auth.

Anyone came across this before ?

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 3/29/2013 8:43:31 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Hello Davey,

I would recommend you to inspect the page elements, e.g. images and check the URL where are they linked... then try to access the image to see if it is available and also check it's reference in the file system, it it exists.

Do you have a customized Logon page? With custom images, background, etc.?

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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@davey_lad - 3/29/2013 9:16:40 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Thanks for the reply Martin.

There are no customizations to the login page and all assets for it exist. If I'm logged in and manually browse the logon page it appears normally, perfectly styled.

If logged out then it's as my screen shot above. It's as if some kind of security permissions are being applied somewhere. Just can't figure out how or where.


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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 3/29/2013 9:42:34 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Hi Dave,

Could you please check the logon page permissions via CMS Desk -> Special Pages -> Logon Page -> Properties Tab -> Security.

And once again.. inspect the page elements, e.g. images and check the URL where are they linked... then try to access the image to see if it is available and also check it's reference in the file system, it it exists. Check if there is any difference in the link to the images when you are logged on and when you are not.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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@davey_lad - 3/29/2013 9:55:33 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Ok, thanks.

Currently away on Easter break so will take a look next week and report back.


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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 3/29/2013 10:04:10 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Hi Dave,

Of course, so let me wish you happy Easter and enjoy your holiday! I will wait for your results.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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@davey_lad - 4/2/2013 3:35:27 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Hi Martin,

There appears to be some confusion. Your reply seems to assume I have Special Pages/Logon Page in my content tree.. as per the Corporate Site? I don't.. this is a completely bespoke/new site.

the logon page I'm having issues with is the out of the box Kentico logon page that you would see if accessing CMS Desk etc

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Kentico Customer Success
Kentico Customer Success
kentico_martind2 - 4/3/2013 1:20:34 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Hi Dave,

so in that case just check the properties of your custom page in the same way as I described before. Don't forget to the if the URL of images has changed in some way before/after you are authorized. Also try to clear as welll the browser caches as the application cache, restart the application and IIS server.

Best regards,
Martin Danko

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kzoal-standardprocess - 5/23/2013 1:40:58 PM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
Hello Martin,

This is kind of the similar problem that I am facing as well. Our current site is working fine. But I recently started working on a Version 7 upgrade and also applied 7.032 hotfix. After that I deployed the changes to our test server. This test server has another test site which is working with such issue. When I load the home page on the version 7 site, the styles are not applied to it. They get applied when I log into the website. Ticket# 340961.
When I view the source and click on any of the javascript or css link in the page source, it takes me to the CMSPages/Logon page. Example: https://v7test.standardprocess.com/CMSPages/logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fApp_Themes%2fStandardProcess%2fecommerce.css

I try the same on the live site which is still on version 6.026 SP1 and I can see the css without any issue.

So not really sure where/which permissions are wrong or not set?
Can you please provide any help?


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Kentico Legend
Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 5/24/2013 12:10:12 AM
RE:Broken Logon page (CMSPages\logon.aspx)
I've come across this in v7 when you attempt to access images or other items in the App_Themes directory. I'm wondering if it has to do with the URL rewrite process.

You might also register all your stylesheets in the the Site Manager>Development>Css Stylesheets section and loading them in your master page header like below vs. letting the asp.net engine load them automatically:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?stylesheetfile=/App_Themes/StandardProcess/styles/main.css" type="text/css" />
This is using the standard handler to get and process the stylesheet then. This has changed from v6 to v7 if I remember right. Also by registering them in the UI, I believe they will automatically be processed like above (using the getresource.ashx handler) so no need to worry about the other problems.