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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Display Custom Table Data Alternative Options View modes: 
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kyle.dahlgren-66fcu - 6/4/2013 7:31:07 AM
Display Custom Table Data Alternative Options
I have a custom table that I created from an external SQL Database using the Import Toolkit. The data is being populated in the custom table, I can retrieve the individual data that I need from the custom table, and display the data in a basic repeater. However, that's not exactly what I need to be able to do with the data. I need to be able to display the individual data pieces that I retrieve from the custom table using a where clause within editable text regions and transformations for structured documents on my site. What options do I have for something like this? I'm still very new to Kentico development and I don't know anything about macros or anything like that that might be available with the system. Examples or tutorials would be a huge benefit for me at this point.

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Brenden Kehren - 6/4/2013 9:32:20 AM
RE:Display Custom Table Data Alternative Options
Why not use a custom table repeater and use transformations to display the data? I'd suggest not attempting to populate editable text web values with custom table data, not really how it was setup to work (although I'm sure it could be done). In the repeater you can specify a where clause, with a basic repeater you cannot, I believe that requires a filter or a datasource web part to filter the data.

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kyle.dahlgren-66fcu - 6/4/2013 9:49:53 AM
RE:Display Custom Table Data Alternative Options
The areas that I need to display the data are within jQuery tab structures within editable text regions and through transformations on the page. I'm trying to avoid repeaters because that means that the content has to come out of the tab structure and leaves me hanging for the transformation part of it. It's basically text fields from the custom table that I'm needing to display, which is easily done on a traditional non-CMS system in .NET with global.ascx and things like that.

I was attempting to add a field to my structured document and use the custom table item selector but it's not populating the dropdown on the form tab of the document. I thought this might be a way to get the data where I needed it, at least for use in the transformation, but I can't seem to get it to work.

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Kentico Legend
Brenden Kehren - 6/4/2013 12:59:28 PM
RE:Display Custom Table Data Alternative Options
Again, I ask why are you attempting to put custom table data into a editable text webpart, doesn't make any sense at all. If all you need is to dump some data on a page and manipulate it with css and jQuery, use a repeater, its quick and simple and will get what you need done in a short amount of time. Maybe I'm missing the whole point and I apoligize for that. Another method you could take is to create your own webpart that gets that particular piece of data and displays it vs. using a repeater web part. I've done many of those and they are very quick and easy to create.