Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
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DHood-CPUonline - 3/16/2013 4:30:16 PM
Using Telerik controls

We are attempting to incorporate Radcontrols such as RadComboBox, RadGrid, etc. into the Kentico CMS system as Webparts (.ascx controls). When we setup and test these controls in a non-Kentico project, they work as expected. When we try to use them in Kentico they either don't work at all or generate errors. For instance, we put a basic RadGrid into the .ascx and turn on filtering and sorting, and attach it to a basic SQL data source. When the page runs, the grid displays with data from the data source, but if we try to filter or sort, nothing changes or updates in the grid.

Has anyone used Radcontrols in a Kentico CMS v6 or v7 project? If so, any help would be greatly appreciated. Kentico states that any standard .net controls can be used as Kentico is a .net based system, but we cannot get even basic funtionality yet.

Thanks again.

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Brenden Kehren - 3/17/2013 2:03:12 PM
RE:Using Telerik controls
Kentico is a standard asp.net website so if you follow the instructions to add the component to the website as Telerik suggests, there shouldn't be a problem. What are the errors you're receiving?

Here is an article on integrating 3rd party components into Kentico. Granted it is fro v3.x, should help you get going in the right direction for v6 and v7.

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kentico_josefd - 3/18/2013 3:46:16 AM
RE:Using Telerik controls

The Telerik controls should be working with Kentico without any problems. You can try the basic troubleshooting described in this article about Using Telerik controls in Kentico. Please let me know if it helps.

Josef Dvorak

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DHood-CPUonline - 3/18/2013 5:24:17 PM
RE:Using Telerik controls
Unfortunately, we have already gone thru the link you provided and it has not resolved the issue. After further testing and troubleshooting we find that the controls work perfectly when the Telerik controls are added to an ASCX file and the ASCX is placed on an ASPX page, and the ASPX page is called thru the custom tables Add Item or Delete Item pages as an example. When we take that same ASCX control and import it as a WebPart in Kentico that is when the controls do not work.

Part of the issue seems to be that the Telerik RadScriptManager is required for the controls to work, but it has to be removed from the ASCX otherwise when we try to add it to a page in Kentico we receive the error that a ScriptManager already exists, even on a blank page created from a blank site template.

We would be happy to provide you with the controls and our example if that would help, but the problem seems to be with the WebParts.

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Brenden Kehren - 3/18/2013 10:22:34 PM
RE:Using Telerik controls
Web parts and ascx controls have different page life cycles when loading on a portal page. You might attempt debugging through the webpart load and find out where its erroring out.

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kentico_josefd - 3/19/2013 9:37:53 AM
RE:Using Telerik controls

Could you try loading the .ascx through the "User control" web part? Please let me know if it helps, or if you need any help setting up the web part. Thank you.

You can find further information in the web part documentation.

Josef Dvorak

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csnyder-wte - 6/6/2013 7:51:47 AM
RE:Using Telerik controls
I have been using the Telerik controls with V7. So far I am only having an issue with the Image manager launched from the RadEditor. The css needed by the ImageManager is returned by a /Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd handler call but that call is getting processed by Kentico for some reason. I'm currently working with Kentico support on solving that issue.

As for your issue, I did see this post on the Telerik forums about using the AjaxToolKit:


If you are having problems with the script manager then you will need to replace the ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager reference in the PortalTemplate.aspx file with a telerik:RadScriptManager.

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csnyder-wte - 6/6/2013 7:57:08 AM
RE:Using Telerik controls
BTW, I did not have to do anything special to use Telerik controls in my custom web parts so far. I just made sure to add the Telerik handlers in my web.config and the Telerik dlls in the bin directory.