Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Custom ecommerce Urls View modes: 
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mnorton - 6/20/2013 3:22:18 PM
Custom ecommerce Urls
I'm in the process of migrating an ecommerce site to kentico. I need to preserve the Urls for seo purposes.

Site structure:


Desired url structure for each level in Products


How can I configure kentico to dynamically create the Url's using this structure without having to use redirects?

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Brenden Kehren - 6/21/2013 2:17:30 PM
RE:Custom ecommerce Urls
Use Document Alias. For instance in your Products page properties add a new alias /Products/{MainCategory}. Then in your transformation for a Main Category you simply put /Products/<%#Eval("Category") %> or whever your category field name is. You can continue down this path with your subcategories as well. Once you have your alias put in place on the page, then you can simply build your URL based on the categories, sub categories, etc.