Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Call-Outs View modes: 
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dmcvay-emagineusa - 6/20/2013 3:19:14 PM
Hi. I'm new here and have only started learning/working with Kentico in the past couple months. The learning curve is steep but the more I use it, the more I am beginning to understand it.

I have created a bunch of page templates where needed and I have a template where there's a sidebar area for a bunch of "static" call-outs.

I need to set it up in a way so that the client can assign/drag-n-drop a variety of callouts to each page where needed.

My question is, what is the recommended way of doing this? Is there a simplistic way where I can create a bunch of different types of *STATIC* call-outs so that the "content administrator" can drag/drop as needed onto the page.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Swainy - 6/21/2013 6:14:39 AM

I would suggest that you at a widget zone for this side bar. You can then create widgets that the client can drop into that side bar.

You can control the html and output of these widgets, adjust the order and add them per page.

Sounds exactly what you like.

You can also expose the properties of the widgets/web part to the user so for example they could change the title and description of what it says.

Information on widgets can be found here:



