Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Blog posts and Paging View modes: 
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positivepurchasing - 6/25/2013 4:31:25 AM
Blog posts and Paging

I'm trying to use the 'Universal Pager' to display 10 blog post per page. However I can't get it to work, I can't even see the pager. I've looked at the corporate example site but it does not work on there either. Seems any impossible task. So many settings.

Does anyone know about this, how to get it to work or know of some documentation about this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_romank - 6/25/2013 5:40:33 AM
RE:Blog posts and Paging

there should not be any problem with that, it should be easily acomplished. For example on corporate site if you put universal pager web part on Community -> Blogs -> Andrew Jones Blog -> March 2011 page. The important thing is to set Pager property Target control name. There must be placed WebpartControlID of the webpart which renders the blog posts.

Best Regards,
Roman Konicek

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positivepurchasing - 6/25/2013 6:04:26 AM
RE:Blog posts and Paging
Hi Roman,

Yep I'm sorry it is working fine. I was looking at the month filter, I've now added a pager and it is working fine on there as well.
