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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > RSS Feed URL Alias View modes: 
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thomasdb - 8/27/2013 11:30:47 AM
RSS Feed URL Alias
I am attempting to migrate a site into Kentico and need to replicate a series of RSS Feed URLs currently available within the existing site.

These URLs form the following basis:


Essentially a URL where the path displays a page which is the feed itself.

I need to replicate this within Kentico (7) somehow but my initial attempts using RSS Feed webparts or the RSS Repeater give me URL that require parameters to access the feed:


Is there anyway that I can replicate this output? Can I alias RSS feeds or do I need some kind of special template page that generates an RSS feed instead of a HTML page?

Many thanks in advance.



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Brenden Kehren - 8/27/2013 1:41:26 PM
RE:RSS Feed URL Alias
You can use the QueryString macro in your page alias or even in your repeater. Your URL Parameter is "rss" so you can simply use {%rss%} to get that querystring parameter without an issue in your webpart. Or in your transformation you can use QueryString.GetValue("rss").