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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Content entry trouble with a single site with multiple web front ends and a single db. View modes: 
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EWiley - 9/7/2013 9:37:32 AM
Content entry trouble with a single site with multiple web front ends and a single db.
Hi Kentico Team-
We do a lot of Kentico work, and we've seen the same problem in two scenarios -- with multiple load balanced Azure web roles sharing a single DB and multiple physical load balanced servers sharing a single DB.

When entering information in CMSdesk, we can't be sure which server we're on, or whether or not we get transferred between servers while entering content.

We've seen very inconsistent results while attempting to add content. Example: when in CMS desk we'll add a new page template and new content. Sometimes it seems that that information (the template and the content and the media gallery images) isn't available immediately to the other instance of CMSDesk.

In theory any information saved to the database regardless of which instance of CMSDesk I'm in would immediately be available to every Kentico instance that uses the database.

My question is, has this been experienced before, and what can we do to stop it? This has become a real sink on productivity.

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EWiley - 9/7/2013 9:58:34 AM
RE:Content entry trouble with a single site with multiple web front ends and a single db.
After researching further, is this a web farm issue? It appears that it might be, though originally I had thought that web farms dealt with files only. It appears this is not the case.

Content referenced as "changed" by Server 1 may not actually be used by Server 2 unless that server knows to check, or that content is marked as changed.


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kentico_sandroj - 9/7/2013 12:25:59 PM
RE:Content entry trouble with a single site with multiple web front ends and a single db.

Are you using the default synchronization mechanism? If so, could you please try the DBUpdater approach? Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,