This request was posted in the v7 section and in v7 the solution is to use the following macro directly on the page:
If you meant to post this in v6 please let me know and I will explain the code. Basically, in the macro you are getting the newsletter by the codename specified when you create the dynamic newsletter:
InfoDataSet<Newsletter> newsletter = NewsletterProvider.GetNewsletters("NewsletterName = '" + e.Expression + "'", "", 1, "NewsletterID");
Once you have the object the following code gets the ID:
ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(newsletter.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NewsletterID"), 0);
Then an issue is generated from the ID:
Then the replacement macro is replaced with the correct values in order to resolve at the correct point in the process, when the information is available:
e.Result = issue.IssueText.Replace("{§", "{ %").Replace("§}", " %}");
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,