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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Multi Step form validation issue View modes: 
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esolutions - 10/30/2013 5:13:21 PM
Multi Step form validation issue
I'm using a multistep form. On the first step I had two sections with a number of fields in them. All the fields have validation on them. I decided to split the sections up into their own steps. However, when I click Next for Step 1, even though the section with it's labels, fields and their validation are no longer part of Step 1, the validation is firing.

I even deleted all the Alternative forms and then recreated the first one with the fields representing the first step. I even viewed the source for the alternative forms to ensure there wasn't some left behind code. There was nothing. All that is there are three fields with each of their associated labels and validation. But yet, when I click next the validation for the other fields are being displayed.

There is no tie between the three fields in step 1 and the other fields. I even deleted the multistep form web part and the wizard web part on the page and re-added them. It still acts the same.

So even though I have one alternative form with three fields and their associated lables and validation and I have the mutli step form pointing to that form and alternative form it's displaying the validation for the fields that used to be there.

I'm hoping I don't have to recreate the main form as there are a number of fields on it but that will be my last resort. Before I do that I was wondering if anyone else encountered this and if so what they did to resolve it without having to recreate the fields.