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Version 7.x > Portal Engine > Display Publish from/to is not working View modes: 
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dinethnipuna-gmail - 10/28/2013 1:20:34 AM
Display Publish from/to is not working
I have a repeater and I have used following code on the transformation. I can see the Title, but cannot see the Document publish TO date. Can someone please help me.

<td> <%# Eval("Title") %> is currently being reviewed, and is now available for feedback from Fellows until
<td><%# GetDate("DocumentPublishTo") %> .

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 10/28/2013 2:04:26 AM
RE:Display Publish from/to is not working

The problem is DocumenPublishTo property is not returned in DataSet for the standard document types. With standard Repeaters, you can only display columns which the document type you are using contains in its definition (Site Manager -> Development -> Document types -> <your document type> -> Fields).

However, there is a way to achieve the same effect with a slightly different approach using Repeater with custom query. At first, you need to define a query which will return DataSet containing DocumentPublishTo column. Usually there are SQL views defined for that. So your query could look like this (example for built-in News doc type):

Then you just need to use this query in Custom query Repeater's configuration and Publish to property should then be rendered correctly.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac

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dinethnipuna-gmail - 10/29/2013 12:44:04 AM
RE:Display Publish from/to is not working
Hi Filip,

What I have done is create a Document attribute filed (PublishTo) in the document type. and used that in transformation with Eval("PublisTo").

I hope this is ok.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 10/29/2013 9:24:09 AM
RE:Display Publish from/to is not working

Sure, this approach works fine as well.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac