12/9/2013 11:36:40 AM
How to enable website users to create document type instances using a webpart?
I want to enable registered website users to create photo albums and upload photos to that album. Each album should have a name, venue and date.
I've created a document type with those three columns. I also added a fourth column that utilises the Document attachments attribute type to house the associated images.
How can I create a form in a Webpart using this document type?
Ideally, I want website users to be presented with a form that displays:
- textboxes for each of the three text fields - a multiple file uploader for the images - a "Create Album" submit button, which creates an instance of the photo album doc type and with all the photos as document attachments.
If this is not possible, any guidance on how the API could be used to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Mike