I have a few duplicate documents in our tree:

When I look at the properties, they have the same Document alias', Same live URL, Same Node ID and Document ID... every property looks to be identical.
I tried deleting ONE of them, and both instances disappear from the tree. If I then go into the Bin and try to restore the document:
Restoring document failed. Original exception: [DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: INSERT INTO CMS_Tree ([NodeAliasPath], [NodeName], [NodeAlias], [NodeClassID], [NodeParentID], [NodeLevel], [NodeACLID], [NodeSiteID], [NodeGUID], [NodeOrder], [IsSecuredNode], [NodeCacheMinutes], [NodeSKUID], [NodeDocType], [NodeHeadTags], [NodeBodyElementAttributes], [NodeInheritPageLevels], [NodeChildNodesCount], [RequiresSSL], [NodeLinkedNodeID], [NodeOwner], [NodeCustomData], [NodeGroupID], [NodeLinkedNodeSiteID] ) VALUES ( @NodeAliasPath, @NodeName, @NodeAlias, @NodeClassID, @NodeParentID, @NodeLevel, @NodeACLID, @NodeSiteID, @NodeGUID, @NodeOrder, @IsSecuredNode, @NodeCacheMinutes, @NodeSKUID, @NodeDocType, @NodeHeadTags, @NodeBodyElementAttributes, @NodeInheritPageLevels, @NodeChildNodesCount, @RequiresSSL, @NodeLinkedNodeID, @NodeOwner, @NodeCustomData, @NodeGroupID, @NodeLinkedNodeSiteID); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS [NodeID]: caused exception: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.CMS_Tree' with unique index 'IX_CMS_Tree_NodeSiteID_NodeGUID'. The duplicate key value is (1, 8c3f48f5-f835-4bf6-b51b-86aae4d71708). The statement has been terminated.
If I then try to create another document with the same name(because the restore won't work), the document alias gets the '-(1)' appended to it - as if there is already a document in the tree. (But there isn't...)
In looking inside the CMS_Tree and CMS_Documents tables, there are two entries for each node and document! As seen here:
you can see that each Node has an identical NodeAliasPath. But when you view the nodes via the CMS Desk, they only show the values from ONE of the database rows! here's a view of selecting two different documents in the CMS Tree... but the values are all the same:

Is there some sort of fix or db update I can do to rid myself of these extra documents?
We are using Kentico 6.0.58(SP1)