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Version 6.x > Bug reports > Imported images are automatically assigned to en-us culture... even if the en-us culture has been removed! View modes: 
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lancetek - 2/15/2012 6:47:30 AM
Imported images are automatically assigned to en-us culture... even if the en-us culture has been removed!
I have a document type that has a Text field that uses a 'Image Selection' form control to choose and upload images.

I've noticed that when I upload images, they are always uploaded using the en-us culture - even though I've deleted en-us from the system - we use en-gb and en-gb is set as the default culture and UI culture.

To replicate:
I followed Get the Site Manager and CMS desk to be in en-gb and it seems to be working fine - the dates are in the correct format.

Then I used the Image Selection form control and chose the 'New File' button. That gives me a download dialog where I can choose an image. The image then appears where I put it in the Tree, but it has an X next to the name, and the image does not show in the dialog. If I then go to the image in the Tree, I get the message:

"New culture version(en-GB) - The document does not exist in the current culture. You can create a new versionof the document."

Where I can copy it from another language, which has the option of 'English - United States'

I've restared the application a few times to see if that would help, but I'm getting the same effect.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/16/2012 2:39:22 AM
RE:Imported images are automatically assigned to en-us culture... even if the en-us culture has been removed!

I am little bit confused. Could you please clarify?

You mentioned a document type with image selection field - so, the image is a document attachment. But then, you mention that you added the file in the content tree - which I think you meant a separate document "CMS.File". This is confusing me since I do not know whether you mean files uploaded as document attachments (e.g. on the Form tab) or standalone documents of a file type (CMS.File).

I tried both ways, I also tried to create a new image document (CMS.File) using the dialog which is opened from the image selection field and using the New file button. Everything is working fine.

I am using v6.0.17 (6.0.4423)

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus