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Version 6.x > Bug reports > CMS Editor not working after windows server updates View modes: 
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jonas-asenmarketing - 1/12/2012 11:30:43 AM
CMS Editor not working after windows server updates
My server did automatic updates last night and now my CMS Desk and admin are malfunctioning. No editable blocks show up on any sites. Page/Design/Form only show the site preview. The drop down arrows in the content management nav just display the loading graphic and never drop. This is happening on a v6 hot fix 12 and a 5.5r2 install on the same server. Any Ideas??

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jonas-asenmarketing - 1/12/2012 11:39:09 AM
RE:CMS Editor not working after windows server updates
Nevermind that user id, I can't add roles to it so it won't show you much

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jonas-asenmarketing - 1/12/2012 9:36:18 PM
RE:CMS Editor not working after windows server updates
Problem resolved - Sorry to blame kentico!! Windows update broke a backup application which ate up the ram.