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Version 6.x > Bug reports > Google Maps control limiting pins View modes: 
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jjanelle-emh - 1/6/2012 1:46:33 PM
Google Maps control limiting pins
We have a datasource that has over 30 entries but only 11 pins are showing on the google map.

<uc2:CMSWebParts_DataSource runat="server" ID="CMSDataSource1" Path="./%" ClassNames="MHA.Member" CacheMinutes="0" SelectTopN="50" OrderBy="Name" />

<uc1:CMSWebParts_GoogleMaps runat="server" ID="CMSGoogleMaps1" Latitude="45.421588" Longitude="-69.005127"
ToolTipField="Name" Scale="7" Width="530px" Height="600px" ZoomScale="13" TransformationName="Mha.Member.Preview"
IconField="MarkerPinForMap" CacheMinutes="0" DataSourceName="CMSDataSource1" LocationField="PhysicalAddressForMap" />

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 1/7/2012 3:56:27 AM
RE:Google Maps control limiting pins

You are using a physical address for a marker location (not its longitude and latitude values), so please set the Use server processing property of the Google Map web part to true as it is described in the Google Map web part documentation:

Use server processing: Indicates if the location translations (addresses to coordinates) are processed on server side. If false, client side processing is used. Used only when location is available in human-readable form and when no coordinates are specified or zero.

Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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jjanelle-emh - 1/9/2012 7:26:21 AM
RE:Google Maps control limiting pins
Setting EnableServerProcessing="true" fixed this problem. Thank you.