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Version 6.x > Bug reports > Web part zone disappear from cmsdesk when adding Display to roles "_notauthenticated_" View modes: 
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Certified Developer v6
Certified Developer v6
szarouski - 11/24/2011 3:24:47 PM
Web part zone disappear from cmsdesk when adding Display to roles "_notauthenticated_"
Kentico 6, v6.0.4297, Web part called "Web part zone" which is located under layouts group disappeared from template when I added "_notauthenticated_" in Display to roles property of "Web part zone" webpart. Now I can't get it back because I don't see it. What can I do to retrieve it?
P.s. also tested on test ad-hoc template, same issue. But everything is working fine when I use macro {%CurrentUser.IsInRole("_notauthenticated_")%} on Visible property.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 11/25/2011 5:54:51 AM
RE:Web part zone disappear from cmsdesk when adding Display to roles "_notauthenticated_"

you can revert change restoring previous version of template:
1. Click on Properties of template on the Design tab (the green panel)
2. Select Edit template, Versions tab and restore previous version.

Alternatively, you can modify directly the property of web part in the Site Manager - Development - Page templates - <your-template> - Web parts

This seems to be a bug in the system. Thank you for letting us know about it.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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Certified Developer v6
Certified Developer v6
szarouski - 11/25/2011 7:47:11 AM
RE:Web part zone disappear from cmsdesk when adding Display to roles "_notauthenticated_"
Thank you Ivana