11/17/2011 9:20:40 AM
Files friendly URL extension bug
Hello, When I change Files friendly URL extension in Site manager -> settings -> urls & seo to blank field (no extension) and then try to insert image in editable text webpart on page tab using wysiwyg - images paste, but don't show (like an image with wrong path). Looks like generated url is wrong. Also image preview in page's properties -> attachments don't show. However (just for better bug explanation) if I try to edit image in attachments, I can see that image show, but url is defenetly not friendly (/CMSAdminControls/ImageEditor/GetImageVersion.aspx?editorguid=c8b296dd-32c7-4eab-8212-90f92517ed71&versionnumber=1&imgwidth=647&imgheight=391&hash=648d85cb62f8626cfd45e446bc74974c95607a2798f90b110cd5df5f2c4af63b).
After I change Files friendly URL extension value to ".aspx" - it start to work again. Please provide information how to keep field blank, but be able to view image. Thanks.