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Version 6.x > Bug reports > Problem in Columns,OrderBy, and Where input form controls after 6.0.13 hotfix View modes: 
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Certified Developer 8
Certified Developer 8
Jiveabillion - 1/15/2012 10:07:07 PM
Problem in Columns,OrderBy, and Where input form controls after 6.0.13 hotfix
c:\WebSites\FrugalU\CMSFormControls\Inputs\WhereCondition.ascx.cs(39): error CS0103: The name 'SQLIdentifier' does not exist in the current context

This same error exists in all 3 of the aformentioned controls. Older versions of the CMS used something like "return SecurityHelper.WhereRegex;"

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 1/31/2012 5:13:30 PM
RE:Problem in Columns,OrderBy, and Where input form controls after 6.0.13 hotfix

The SQLIdentifier is no longer used in the updated WhereCondition.ascx.cs file.
This error may be caused either by a temporary asp.net files that were not cleared, or that the site was not rebuilt after hotfixing... could you please try those two actions to see if they help?


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john.banning-adaptdev - 3/15/2012 2:49:48 PM
RE:Problem in Columns,OrderBy, and Where input form controls after 6.0.13 hotfix
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This seems to be the similar to the above mentioned ticket. I am getting this error on a webpart after I import a site. Both were 6.0.

I am not sure what steps Zdenek is referring to fix the situation.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/16/2012 3:39:08 AM
RE:Problem in Columns,OrderBy, and Where input form controls after 6.0.13 hotfix

What is the exact version of your CMS?
Have you tried the latest hotfix?
I have confirmed by one customer that the hotfix helped :-)

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus