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hungquang_itsyad-yahoo.com - 2/16/2012 8:24:53 AM
Configuration Error

Sometime I found this error

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How to fix it?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/16/2012 8:33:00 AM
RE:Configuration Error

restarting the application pool in the IIS usually fixes this issue. It occurs from time to time in a random way. The thread was being aborted is very general message and there are plenty of articles about it to be found on Google. However, we were not able to determine the cause since it seems to be somewhere in the .Net framework - when the application is being restarted something goes wrong and the startup and then the tread is aborted with this error. The next restart is usually OK.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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hungquang_itsyad-yahoo.com - 2/16/2012 7:24:17 PM
RE:Configuration Error
Thank you very much!

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cbradway - 2/9/2013 9:06:03 PM
RE:Configuration Error
I'm having this same error as well, on a weekly basis on average. What I can I do to keep this from taking down the site regularly?

Server Error in '/' Application.

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Thread was being aborted.

Source Error:

Line 66: <providers>
Line 67: <clear />
Line 68: <add name="CMSRoleProvider" type="CMS.MembershipProvider.CMSRoleProvider" connectionStringName="CMSConnectionString" applicationName="SampleApplication" writeExceptionsToEventLog="false" />
Line 69: </providers>
Line 70: </roleManager>

Source File: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\KenticoCMS\web.config Line: 68

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3053; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3053

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
Accepted solutionAccepted solution
kentico_jurajo - 2/9/2013 10:31:10 PM
RE:Configuration Error

The issue is not caused by our code, but something in your server settings or the environment. In fact this issue is happening to a lot of people across the whole world with all sorts of products, including Microsoft own DLLs, and there is no ultimate solution that would handle that for all scenarios. If you type "thread was being aborted" or "could not load file or assembly access denied" into Google, you will get results to a lot of forums where people are trying to solve that, here are just some of them to prove that:



I will at least try to help you out by what I learned about this so far, so you don't stay stranded not knowing how to continue. Just in case I am not successful, I recommend you to approach Microsoft support, because if your server is setup right, they are the only ones that may help since it is their framework afterall. If some of these advices will help you, please let us know which one so we can have some more information to other people that may eventually approach to the same issue. Here are causes that I found feasible so far from what people were trying with other products:

1) Windows account under which the Application pool is running may not have enough permissions to access the ASP.NET temporary folder. It seems like under certain curcumstances, when the application is being recycled, it runs with not enough privileges to access the DLLs while under others, it is able to do that.

2) Somehow messed up ASP.NET temporary files or Global Assembly cache. Some people figured out that if they clean their servers from the old temporary ASP.NET files or remove duplicities of the DLLs vith other versions from GAC, the issue disappears. I am a little sceptical about this, because this action actually restarts the process so it may get another chance of loading with proper permissions as mentioned above, so it may not be a long term solution. Anyway, it is worth a try.

3) Sometimes people weren't able to fix it with these, and in that case various other professionals were giving suggestions such as re-registering the ASP.NET within IIS, applying windows or .NET patches, etc. I cannot really give you my opinion about this because there is mostly no feedback whether some of that helped or not, but you may definitely try the same application on another machine to see if that issue is somehow environment specific.

I am sorry that we cannot help you with this more and give you an ultimate solution. I must say we are very upset about this as well, since Microsoft clearly didn't handle this properly and we already had to explain several people how come that this is not something we can fix even if we would love to, it simply isn't our code causing it.

Please let me know it any of that helped, so we can provide some more expertise to potential future clients that will be in the position to solve it.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus