10/10/2012 2:34:46 AM
RE:Upgrade from 5.5r2 to 6, Error loading layout
Hi Adam,
Could you please try the following steps:
1. If you navigate to CMS Desk --> Content and select Home document --> Properties --> Template section, which page template is this document using?
2. The problem may also be (I suppose this is your issue) from the root of your web site. If you check the page template for the root of your web site, is there a master page template assigned? If not, either select some master page template for root, or configure your home ad-hoc page template not to inherit anything from root with visual inheritance.
3. Also, are you using medium trust? if yes, could you please follow our guidelines for a medium trust environment? If not please try at least to go to Site Manager --> Administration --> System --> Deployment and click Save all virtual objects to disk. Afterwards please make sure such a file exists on your file system.
Best regards, Martin Danko