Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 6.x.
Version 6.x > Upgrades > Upgrade Downtime? View modes: 
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stevenmc - 3/1/2012 5:27:07 AM
Upgrade Downtime?
Hi there,

I'm currently reviewing the impact and requirements for upgrading to Kentico 6.
I've managed to find the system requirements, however, I've not found anything on what to expect in terms of average downtime and how long I can expect my sites to be unavailable whilst the upgrade takes place.

Could someone advise me on average downtime, things I should do to prepare and any issues to look out for before, after and during upgrade?

Also, could you give me an idea of the process (at a high level) I need to go through in order to upgrade?

Many thanks.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/2/2012 3:32:15 AM
RE:Upgrade Downtime?

This is very hard to say since we do not have any details about your project. It depends on the customizations you made and other things. Upgrading a default installation from 5.5R2 to v6 takes 2-3 minutes. However there are clients who were upgrading several hours.

But, they did it this way, which is also recommended:
The downloaded the actual copy of the live site and upgraded it on some dev machine and checked if everything is working fine. If not, they fixed the issues and wrote them down. Then, if it is possible, they uploaded the upgraded CMS files to the live server - so the downtime was only the time when uploading new files. If there were made any changes on the live - they already practiced the upgrade, what to expect and how to fix it and then upgraded the live site directly.

However, if you are still not sure, you can use the Upgrade audit package we offer to our clients.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus