Upgrades Questions on upgrading to version 6.x.
Version 6.x > Upgrades > Missing custom fields for Documenttypes View modes: 
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peter.postma-kiwa - 8/7/2012 9:56:59 AM
Missing custom fields for Documenttypes

Before we upgraded to version 6.0.29 (from a very old version) we had added some custom fields for several document types. After the upgrades the fields are still in the database, but they do not show up at Site Manager - Development - Document types - CMS.File, tab "Fields". Only the basic fields of the document type are shown.

For instance for CMS.File we had added a custom field that shows a year of release. This could be modified in the Form tab. But after the update this is not possible anymore (allthough the year field is still in the database). How can I correct this, since it is also not showing in the Site manager. Thanks for any help.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/8/2012 1:24:21 AM
RE:Missing custom fields for Documenttypes

Do you have a previous version DB backup?
If so, please go to the CMS_Class table and find the class CMS.File and its records.
Then, in the ClassFormDefinition column you will find the XML definition of the fields - copy it and paste it into the same table and column in the upgraded database. Then restart the application/IIS and everything should be fine.

I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Pete - 4/19/2013 10:01:55 AM
RE:Missing custom fields for Documenttypes
just to complete this solution.

The ClassXmlSchema field also needs to be copied over from DB backup. Otherwise the custom fields wont get updated when the user saves/updates the form.

We got this issue when we upgraded from v6 to v7.

