Design and CSS styles
Version 6.x > Design and CSS styles > Shopping Cart Customization and Styling View modes: 
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matt-destinwebguru - 9/27/2012 9:55:14 AM
Shopping Cart Customization and Styling

I'm just wondering if anyone has a handle on shopping cart styling and customization. I'm new to Kentico, and it seems like I'm going to have to modify 10 files and make changes in the CMS too just to display different headings and values in the shopping cart table. Seems overly complex to me.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 10/3/2012 2:24:45 AM
RE:Shopping Cart Customization and Styling

It depends on what exactly you want to modify. The shopping cart is basically one controls which is loading dynamically another controls (for each step there is a separate control) inside itself. That is why you may need to modify multiple files.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus