1/9/2012 3:45:40 AM
RE:Scope of DocType
The document types are global objects, not site specific. That's why they don't have any site specific settings and I don't have any information on implementing this feature in the future. So no, the document types don't have a scope defined by default. The only restriction for document types is to allow them to be placed under a specific document type. So for example, you can create a custom "container" document type and allow some other "child" document type to be placed only under this "container" document type. Now, you can manage, where your "child" document can be placed by creating the "container" document type only in the desired sub tree. So the restrictions are document type based, not template based. The children and parents of a document type can be managed in SiteManager / Development / Document types / <your doc type> / Child types.
Best regards, Boris Pocatko