It is enough to add a new "section" - a new document to the template section. The "Department Sections Manager" uses this code to get its content:
string templatePath = DepartmentTemplatePath;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(templatePath))
templatePath = TreePathUtils.EnsureSingleNodePath(templatePath).TrimEnd('/') + "/%";
mTemplateDocuments = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, templatePath, null, false, null, "NodeAlias != ''", "NodeOrder ASC", 1, false, 0, "NodeID, DocumentCulture, NodeAlias, NodeClassID", null);
You can set up DepartmentTemplatePath in
Site manager -> Settings -> Site: your site -> Intranet & Collaboration.
Can you check it? You may need to restart the application in
Site manager -> Administration -> System after a change.
Best regards,
Helena Grulichova