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Version 6.x > API > Alias redirect URL - Override individual pages? View modes: 
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ekeys-access - 8/5/2012 10:43:03 PM
Alias redirect URL - Override individual pages?
I have used the settings in site manager that automatically redirect pages to their main URL when they are called from their alias. I like this functionality for SEO. However, I have two individual pages that both have an alias and I want them to keep their alias URL instead of changing to the their main/non-aliased URL.

Is there a way that I can override this so that they maintain their alias URL just these two page?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 8/6/2012 2:30:15 AM
RE:Alias redirect URL - Override individual pages?

In version 6 you need to handle this using custom code in CMSAppBase.cs in the application begin request event where you will check the requested URL and perform the action you need.

This behavior will be changed in version 7 where you will be able to set this up in the UI for particular document and it's aliases.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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ekeys-access - 8/6/2012 8:52:49 AM
RE:Alias redirect URL - Override individual pages?
Is it possible to use the URL Rewrite Module for IIS7 with Kentico?

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kentico_alleng - 8/6/2012 7:32:35 PM
RE:Alias redirect URL - Override individual pages?
Yes, there is nothing within Kentico that would interfere with using the Rewrite Engine.

