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Version 6.x > API > Setting and Getting unique ID from CMSRepeater to trigger onMouseOver event View modes: 
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whiplash - 10/15/2012 7:19:41 AM
Setting and Getting unique ID from CMSRepeater to trigger onMouseOver event
Hey Guys

I would REALLY appreciate some guidance with my problem if you can...

I have a CMSRepeater which spits out a Transformation, what I want to achieve is to trigger a mouseover event when hovering over each listed item ... from this I then want to display the data in the content property of a GoogleMapsStatic. But if I can even get to the point of triggering the mouseover event I'll try move on from there


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 10/16/2012 4:03:51 AM
RE:Setting and Getting unique ID from CMSRepeater to trigger onMouseOver event

this is a general development question, not a question about Kentico functionality. You can use JavaScripts to catch the hover event (it is not possible to catch this event on the server side). See for example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2007011/mouseover-on-a-div or find some help by Google.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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whiplash - 10/16/2012 7:22:52 AM
RE:Setting and Getting unique ID from CMSRepeater to trigger onMouseOver event

Yes I understand that, but my problem is that I can't seem to think of a way to get the unique ID of the item returned by the CMSRepeater that is hovered ...

maybe I'm just thinking about this in the wrong way completely :S

basically when each item is hovered - I want to render the google map web part

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whiplash - 10/16/2012 7:30:09 AM
RE:Setting and Getting unique ID from CMSRepeater to trigger onMouseOver event
I'll try a different apprach :)

include the map inside the transformation then just show/hide it on mouseover ... simpler

Thankyou anyway for your help
