9/10/2012 1:23:40 AM
RE:cms menu delay + skmmenu.js
For future readers, we solved this issue over the email. To delay the opening of a sub menu item when hovering over a node with some child nodes you need to follow this approach:
In that case you will have to change the following method in the file CMSScripts/skmmenu.js:
to something like this:
//Region MouseEventHandlers function skm_mousedOverMenu(menuID,elem,parent,displayedVertically,imageSource, leftImage, rightImage, overStyle, browser, uniqueId, rtl){ skm_stopTick(); skm_closeSubMenus(elem);
setTimeout(function() {custom_skm_delayed_mousedOverMenu(menuID,elem,parent,displayedVertically,imageSource, leftImage, rightImage, overStyle, browser, uniqueId, rtl);},500);
and you need to create a custom_skm_delayed_mousedOverMenu(menuID,elem,parent,displayedVertically,imageSource, leftImage, rightImage, overStyle, browser, uniqueId, rtl) function, which will contain the content of the skm_mousedOverMenu function.
Best regards, Boris Pocatko