i have a question, iam just upgrading from 5.5R2 to 6.0 (and later higher). And in the custom Code ich have some Methods, that are hard to Migrate, due that the EXCEL with the Changed Methods, show the Methods, but dont really explain, what the new parameters should do.
i my case it is the Methode:
5.5 R2 ExportProvider.GetExportData(SiteExportSettings settings, string where, string objectType, bool childData, TranslationHelper th)
6.0ExportProvider.GetExportData(SiteExportSettings settings, QueryDataParameters parameters, string where, string objectType,string parentObjectType, bool childData, bool selectionOnly, TranslationHelper th)
Now i am not sure what should be the default Values, or which values i should enter for the new parameters, like : QueryDataParameters parameters, string parentObjectType and selectionOnly.
Can someone help me out?
Thanks in advance