I was able to get the Rest Service working and I am trying to limit the number of fields it is returning. The below request works great and returns exactly what I wanted.
But if I change the culture, I get an error. I tried with es-ES, de-DE, and even allcultures in the URI, but all failed with the 400 Bad Request Error.Here is the URI with a different culture.
I checked the Event log and found this error message:
Description: [TreeProvider.FilterOutLocalizedVersions]: NodeID column not found.
Site name: Test Site
Machine name: devserver
Event URL: /RESTService.svc/content/all?domain=devserver&siteName=testsite&aliaspath=/Content/Global&cultureCode=de-DE&combinewithdefaultculture=true&format=JSON&classnames=cms.faq&columns=FAQQuestion%2cFAQAnswer
I'm on version 7.0.34. Let me know if there is something I'm doing wrong.