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jwilson-bostwicklaboratories - 8/30/2012 9:54:20 AM
BizForm CAPTCHA Issue
We are using a standard BizForm with a CAPTCHA input. When the form displays on the page, we see:

Security Code: Enter security code:

followed below by the Input box.

The source code is as follows surrounding the security input:
</div></td></tr><tr><td class="EditingFormLabelCell"><label id="p_lt_zoneLeftColumn_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_lt_zoneRightColumn_EditableText_BizFormControl1_Bizform1_ctl00_lSecurityCode" class="EditingFormLabel" for="p_lt_zoneLeftColumn_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_lt_zoneRightColumn_EditableText_BizFormControl1_Bizform1_ctl00_SecurityCode_txtSecurityCode">Security Code:</label></td><td class="EditingFormValueCell"><div class="EditingFormControlNestedControl">

<label id="p_lt_zoneLeftColumn_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_lt_zoneRightColumn_EditableText_BizFormControl1_Bizform1_ctl00_SecurityCode_lblSecurityCode" for="p_lt_zoneLeftColumn_pageplaceholder_pageplaceholder_lt_zoneRightColumn_EditableText_BizFormControl1_Bizform1_ctl00_SecurityCode_txtSecurityCode">Enter security code:</label>

All we want to do is remove the text that reads, "Enter security code:" We are unable to do so anywhere in the CMSDesk.

Any advise would be welcome!

Jon Wilson

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kentico_michal - 8/31/2012 3:57:44 AM
RE:BizForm CAPTCHA Issue

In this case, the CAPTCHA control displays the securitycode.lblsecuritycode security code as shown here:

<data name="securitycode.lblsecuritycode" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Enter security code:</value>

You can modify it in the ~/CMSResources/CMS.resx file.

If you want to completely disable the text, you can do so in the ~\CMSFormControls\Captcha\SimpleCaptcha.ascx.cs file in the Page_Load method by disabling the LocalizedLabel control with the ID lblSecurityCode.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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jwilson-bostwicklaboratories - 8/31/2012 9:51:16 AM
RE:BizForm CAPTCHA Issue
Hey Michal,

Thank you for the prompt response. I was able to find the text in question, but just had one more quick question: Will we have to, in effect, restart our website before these changes can be seen?

Thanks again,
Jon Wilson

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kentico_michal - 9/3/2012 3:18:23 AM
RE:BizForm CAPTCHA Issue
Hi Jon,

Yes, you might need to restart the application. You can do so in the Site manager -> Administration -> System -> Restart application.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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jwilson-bostwicklaboratories - 9/4/2012 9:16:55 AM
RE:BizForm CAPTCHA Issue
Thank you again for the help.
