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Version 6.x > ASPX templates > How to get image of the EXACT width & height in transformation View modes: 
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jurijp-yandex - 2/21/2013 5:21:31 PM
How to get image of the EXACT width & height in transformation
How can we get an image of the Exact width and height in transformation? When using GetImage(...) or using query string params ?width&height we don't get the specified WIDHT and HEIGHT, but they are still proportionally recalculated.

E.g. GetImage(xxx, 100, 200) returns images of size 100x87, 98x200 etc. and we need 100x200 - I know it looks strange...but we need it.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/25/2013 9:21:58 AM
RE:How to get image of the EXACT width & height in transformation

This is not possible using that method, because you always get an image with appropriate ratio, however you can build that img tag by yourself or create a transformation function for that and then you can apply inline styles which change image proportions according your needs:

style="width: 100px; height: 200px;"

Best regards,
Jan Hermann